Friday, January 20, 2006

Dust Off Your Walking Shoes New York

ABC's Channel 7 reports that Union members voted down the proposed contract between the MTA and the a whole 7 votes. The bargain for the over-paid and under-worked Transit Workers was a 3% raise this year, a 4% raise next year, then another 3.5% raise the year after that, under the stipulation that they would have to pay a whole 1.5% of their entire salary towards MTA provided health insurance. Let's break it down.

GOP and the City reported that the average TWU worker makes $62,000 per year, and pays nothing towards the provided health care. Here will be the salaries as they go, and amount paid towards health care, per year.
Current: $62,000 salary, $0 Towards health care.
2006: $63,860 Salary, $958 Towards health care, $62, 902 Net pay
2007: $66,414 Salary, $996 Towards health care, $65,418 Net pay
2008: $68,738 Salary, $1,031 Towards health care, $67,707 Net Pay

No reports of the deceased voting though.