GOP and College
Blogged by a Tennessee-born,
Tennessee-educated Republican.
As seen in The Weekly Standard
Monday, March 24, 2008

Cited in the December 12th, 2005 issue of The Weekly Standard
For My Grandmother

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Famous Posts
- Interview With Phil Valentine
- The Criminal Face of Illegal Immigration
- Ted Kennedy's Love Child
- Eyes of A Hawk (Discovery of Photoshop)
- Liberals: "No, no, we're not spiteful, I swear!"
- News You Won't Hear In The News
- Uh-Oh...Another Corrective Entry
- Hamster Gone Bad!
- Kerry Puts The "Lie" in Flier
- 10 Signs Kerry Has Lost New York
- F Is For Fail
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Patriot Art

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GOP and College Supporters

"The best blog by a Tennessee Tech student, ever." - The Man, GOP and the City

You (The Man) shouldn't make fun of low intelligence, considering how much smarter your brother is than you. - RFTR

"GOP and College is the right-wing blog equivalent of a frat house." -Daniel Mencher, Tuft's Primary Source

Stop the ACLU

"GOP and College is your best source for good reasons to point and laugh at liberals." - Harvey

"GOP and College - The Bane of Cindy Sheehan's Existence" - Wyatt Earp

In The Right Place
Samson Blinded
How To Survive College
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Page 16 News
Previous Posts
- Cardinal Rule: Don't F#$% With The People That Han...
- Quote Of The Day
- A Democrat Gets Caught Up In A Sex Scandal
- Pardon Me If I'm More Than *Slightly* Confused
- Reason #1 (And Only One) To Watch IRL
- College Bloggers: Who Wants Free Money?
- Huckabee Demotavator (STICKY)
- Sneaky, Sneaky, Sir!
- The Sick And Twisted Jihadi Mind
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