Monday, February 13, 2006

When Life Imitates Hollywood Pt 2 (GOP and College Style)

Hollywood: (From Master and Commander) The men are on the boat, close to a shore with one about to shoot at a sea gull. The ship's main surgeon is walking around on the boat, not announcing where he is. The man tracks the bird until it dips low to the boat. He shoots and hits the surgeon, who just happened to be there.

Life: VP Dick Cheney's friend wanders off into the brush to go after some birds. He comes back unannounced, and when Cheney sees some flying up he turns, not knowing the man was there and unintentionally shot him with bird shot at about 30 feet (or some say 30 yards) on Saturday.

And the Kossics are jumping all over the fact that even though they contacted the local Sherrifs immediately, they waited 18 hours to tell the news about the incident. I seem to remember some senator that drove off of a bridge, and killed a girl one night, and then waited 9 hours before even telling the police. Whittington (the man who was sprayed) was immediately taken to the hospital by ambulance that was with them due to the fact that VP Cheney has had a history of heart troubles. Reports say, "Whittington is fine," Armstrong said. "He's sitting up in bed, yakking and cracking jokes. - San Francisco Chronicle

Wow, even the NY Times said that they told the sheriff on Saturday