Thursday, August 17, 2006

Liberal News About The Country

I've got two stories to cover here today. First is from the substitute blogger Karol Sheinin over at Michelle Malkin. She mentions a piece in The Opinion Journal by her friend Julia Gorin about how the Ms. Magazine has decided to have people write in and say, "I had an abortion." Julia asks the question "Why not have people write in, 'I wasn't aborted.'"
This may seem like Uber-Pro-Life banter to whoever doesn't look into the story. However, as Karol states, they are both from the Soviet Union; A country where there are more abortions than live births, due to the fact that it is the only form of birth control in the country, and people have become so desensitized to them. And not only that, Julia is a second Generation "almost abortion." Her father was concieved during the Second World War, and was almost terminated.
Liberals like Pro Choice-NARAL want to turn abortion into a form of birth control, rather than a medical necessity, and that is a VERY slippery slope.

The next comes from John at Your Cake Or Death. It seems like the NSA wiretaps, which may have aided in the arrest of the foiled plot to destroy jets from London to America, have been deemed a violation of the Search and Seizure Amendment in the Constitution. The judge that ordered the stop was Anna Diggs Taylor, a judge appointed by Jimmy Carter. Taylor's excuse for the ruling was,
"It was never the intent of the framers to give the president such unfettered control, particularly where his actions blatantly disregard the parameters clearly enumerated in the Bill of Rights,'' she wrote in the 43-page opinion.
... The office of the chief executive was itself created, with its powers, by the Constitution,'' wrote Taylor, a 73-year-old senior judge appointed by Democratic President Jimmy Carter. ``There are no hereditary kings in America and no powers not created by the Constitution. So all `inherent powers' must derive from the Constitution."
The ACLU's reaction, a predictable:
"[This is] a landmark victory against the abuse of power that has become the hallmark of the Bush administration."
And, "[The ruling is] another nail in the coffin in the Bush administration's legal strategy in the war on terror."

I have a question for the ACLU.

How many lives is the "Search and Siezure" Amendment worth? Because apparently without the NSA taps, it's at least 3,000 English and American lives.
Much of the probe involved examining vast government databases of airline manifests, immigration records and telephone calls in and out of the United States.
When they did question potential witnesses, agents took precautions not to spoil the British surveillance operation or alert potential suspects here.
Working with the names of British suspects, investigators did find records of some telephone contacts between Britain and the United States. In short order, it was determined the calls either involved suspects' associates or benign family communication, the officials said.

Not only that, but apparently Britain sees our wiretaps as a HUGE advantage in the War on Terror.

Thanks ACLU, for tying our hands behind our backs.