Sunday, March 04, 2007

Huffington Condemns Assassination Chic

Less than a day after removing the hateful comments from her site, Arianna Huffington did the right thing when she said this:
Before I get into how ludicrous this claim is, let me be absolutely clear: No one at HuffPost is defending these comments -- they are unacceptable and were treated as such by being removed. They were not made by me, by our editors, or by our bloggers. They were made by anonymous visitors to the site -- visitors that make up a very, very small unrepresentative portion of our readers.
However, although Think Progress calls out conservatives for pointing at the fact that fringe left supporters stated that they wished Dick Cheney dead, the site never actually condemns those comments. You can read the entire article, and even the original post which covered the attempted assassination, but there is no clear condemnation by TP contributors of comments supporting the assassination of VP Cheney.

...And for the record, the comments were not anonymous. Many gave their names, as well as giving an e-mail address, some even have liberal blogs of their own. TP claims that it is a bunch of right wing trolls who take on the identity of a crazed liberal. Well, if TP wants to reduce the risk of a "right-wing conspiracy, bent on making them look evil" invading their site, then they should do as HotAir does, and require readers to register with the site before they are allowed to post comments.

And the "Kill Cheney" train lives on with at least a few TP commentors.

Meanwhile, Conservatives, including myself, are beginning to jump ship from the "A.N.N. Coulter."
Via Malkin:
"At left-wing conferences, you leave hating America. At right-wing conferences, you leave loving America."

That's exactly how I felt at the end of the dinner after shaking the hands of the disabled vets who came by crutch and wheelchair from Walter Reed to spend a few hours at CPAC.

Enter Ann Coulter.

Her "faggot" joke was not just a distraction from all the good that was highlighted and represented at the conference. It was the equivalent of a rhetorical fragging--an intentionally-tossed verbal grenade that exploded in her own fellow ideological soldiers' tent.