Weekend Caption Contest

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Patriot Blog
The Right Place
Three Sources
10) After her flawless audition, Hillary was immediately hired to play "
Senator Clinton has been taken to a zoo in
8) "...and thens we defeats those nasty neo-conses, and the Precious will be mine, all MINE! GOLLUM!! GOLLUM!! – clif
7) Get that cross away from me! – Space Monkey
6) "Honestly Senator Clinton, 'Close, but no cigar' is just a figure of speech" – Rodney Dill
5) And don't EVER touch my penis AGAIN, you hear me?????????? RottsoRuck
4) Ted! Put your pants back on! – Lee H
3) "I can't remember...is this my "pretend to like black people" smile, or my "pretend to like Jewish people" smile?" – Aaron Walls
2) "Don't you dare talk to a white woman like that!" Nick Lepanto
And the Winner of the "Chipmunk Caption Contest"
1) The Hillary face.
Reason #1,987,648,973,148 to keep this woman the hell out of the White House! – Old Man Winters
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