Hot Wing Conspiracy Week 22 Recap

Before I go into the scores, let's make a stop to remember how the scoring works:
The stats your team builds up are broken down into 12 groups. For batters, there are runs, homeruns, RBI‚’s, strike-outs, stolen bases, and battering average. For pitching, there are wins, saves, strike-outs, holds , ERA, and WHIP. When the week is done and the stats are totalled up, each one of those categories is a win, a loss, or a tie for the teams playing. So in a given week, you can have any combination of wins, losses, and ties that add up to 12.
On to the scores! I'll do the pivotal matches first.
Baghdad Bombers - 6
Wookies Will Win - 6
I cna't believe I tied this one. After the wookies had a 10-1-1 routing of The Man's Robots, I was sure that I was going to be slammed like a bad wrestler. But the Bombers pitching staff held their ground and took 5 of the 6 pitching stats, and offensive K's to tie the ball game up at 6. I am going into the playoffs in the 4th seed, but like I said more on that later
Game MVP: Albert Pujols - 3 Home Runs IN ONE GAME...nuff said.
Game Wash-Out: Chone Figgins - This boy's hit a huge slump. After being the Base Bandit, he hasn't taken a base in weeks and batted an aweful .048 with 6 K's.
bRight & Early - 11
webcats -1
Normally I would grill webcats about how they didn't update their roster, but in this week it wouldn't have mattered. bRight just rolled over him with a 20 ton steam roller. This game was a 10-2 lead almost the entire week for bRight, and he never looked back. And as I predicted last week, one of the teams would be out, and the cats are out of the playoffs.
Game MVP: Hanley Ramirez - Batted .500 took 3 bases, scored 8 times and knocked in 7.
Game Wash-Out: Ryan Dempster - 2 appearances, 2 2/3 innings, 4 runs. Ew.
Robots Eat Babies - 10
The PAW's - 2
The Man came through and snuck into the playoffs as the #6 seed. The PAW's played good ball, but The Man played better. In fact, if The Man had played the wookies this week, they would have won 7-2-3!
Game MVP: David Wright - Batted .522, knocked in 15 runs, scored 6 times, and took 2 bases. No wonder the Mets are gonna go all the way...Did I just say that? *shudders*
Game Wash-Out: Brian Shouse - 4 appearances, 1 2/3 innings, 5 runs, including one game that was a 0.1 inning, 4 ER outing (game ERA of 108)
fmragtops spewers - 8
Repubs lost in SD - 3 (tie in holds)
As if this wasn't expected. But how sad is it that fm had only 2 home runs, but still only lost in that field by 1 home run. Pitiful. This game was important because it took fm out of the Wookie's side of the bracket. That is important because a) it puts me on hte wookie's side of the bracket, but more importantly, places fm facing The Man this week, which the last tiem they met, fm lost 4-7-1...Uh-oh.
Game MVP: Roy Oswalt - 2 starts, 14 2/3 innings and only 3 runs, with 16 K's and a W. Not too shabby.
Game Wash-Out: SD - SD finished dead last with an abismal .384 winning percentage, 53.5 games behind the wookies. Don't worry. I hear the Royals need some help.
Akhtar the Divorcee - 4
Gashouse Gorillas - 6 (ties in saves and holds)
Wyatt won another! That's 4 in a row! If only he could have done that earlier. This game was important because Akhtar was tied with The Man for 7th place, but with The Man's stellar performance, and Akhtar's flop, the Divorcee stays in the pits, and won't see a chance at the Cup.
Game MVP(s): Alex Rodriguez - 5 Home Runs, 11 RBI's, and a .375 average. Nice.
Ryan Howard - 6 HR, 12 RBI's, 11 Runs, and a .571 batting average. DANG!
Game Wash-Out: Tom Glavine - In his first appearance since mid august, Tom was out for 5 innings and gave up 6 runs.
OK, on with the rest of the games!
RFTR - 6
The right wing nuts - 6
Sssteve couldn't pull out a win vs. RFTR. With both teams playing the "leave it alone" strategy, this one could have gone to whoever wanted it more. Both teams missed out on stats from the bench, but it's not a big deal since neither team will see a chance for the gold.
Game MVP: Kevin Milwood - The ex Brave got 2 wins, and 18 K's in 2 games.
Game Wash-Out: Bill Hall, 4/23 this past week, and had 14K's. Stick to the weather bud.
The Glat-inators - 5
CZC Owns - 3 (ties in SB's Offensive K's, wins and holds)
4 ties??!! That's got to be the most this season. Geez. Both teams had pretty solid pitching but lacked anything in batting. The Glat's had a prayer of making it to the playoffs, but again, you can't beat The Man.
Game MVP: Carlos Beltran - 10 Runs, a Home Run, 4 RBI's and a stolen base
Game Wash-Out: Chad Orvella - If there was a way to calculate his ERA, it would be astronomical. One game he pitched he let up 3 earned runs without getting an out. If it had been 1/3 of an inning it would have been an ERA of 81 for that game.
Columbia Cardinals - 8
Poca Dots Blog! - 3 (tie in off. K's)
This game wasn't all that important. Cardinals came in 6 games behind the wookies, and 3.5 games ahead of then third place me. But since wookies and I both tied, Cardinals' didn't really make up any ground, and finished the regular season 2nd, 3.5 games back on the wookies, and 5.5 games over fm. I must say I think the Cardinals have more winning weeks than any other team, at 16/22 weeks. Way to go Safety Man.
Game MVP: Frank Thomas - The Big Hurt knocked out 3, drove in 8, and scored 5 times himself. He was a good pick-up after Bonds was dropped like a bad habit.
Game Wash-Out: Jorge Julio - 1 1/3 innings, 3 runs, including a 1/3 inning

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